On our Platform, it is prohibited to carry out the following actions, as well as publish content,
organize and participate in Challenges, if the published materials, descriptions for them contain
the following information, actions and/or inducement to action:
2.2.1. Impersonating another person:
The following is prohibited on the Platform:
a. to distribute ways to register as a User on behalf of or instead of another person
("fake account");
b. to mislead Users about their identity by using the phone or email of another
registered User;
c. to misrepresent information about yourself, your age, or your relationship with
other persons or organizations;
2.2.2. Violence and cruelty:
On our Platform, it is prohibited to upload, store, publish, distribute, making available or
otherwise using any information that:
a. contains threats, discredits, insults, discredits the honor and dignity or business
reputation of other Users or third parties, or violates their privacy;
b. promotes incitement of racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, fascism or the
ideology of racial superiority;
c. promotes hatred against an individual or group of individuals based on
(including, but not limited to) gender, race or ethnicity, nationality, religion,
religious beliefs or lack thereof, gender identity, sexual orientation,
psychological and/or physical illness, disability, immigration status, and also
contains allegations that they are physically, mentally or morally handicapped
and / or calls for violence against such persons or justifies such violence
d. incites conflict situations, calls for violation of the Agreement, the Terms of Use
and applicable laws;
e. contains images of violent or brutal death of people, accidents, severe mutilation
of people, dismembered, maimed, charred, burned human remains, large
amounts of blood, as well as images of open wounds or injuries, real scenes of
physical violence, fights or torture;
f. contains scenes of sexual abuse of animals (bestiality), slaughter or other images
of unnatural death of animals, images of dismembered, mutilated, charred or
burned remains of animals, as well as any scenes of inhuman, cruel treatment of
g. contains shock content aimed at evoking negative emotions (dislike, fear, horror,
disgust, shock) among users, as well as images of the consequences of traffic
accidents, natural disasters, catastrophes, wars, terrorist acts.
2.2.3. Potentially dangerous activities
The following is prohibited on the Platform: