Welcome to NUTSon.
User Agreement (is a Public Offer) dated January 31, 2025
1. General Terms and Conditions
Our platform is a set of APIs, SDKs, tools, plugins, software code, technologies, content and
services (hereinafter the “Platform”). The Platform is supported by Nutson Inc. and Direct
Technologies DVS-LLS registration number 9967 issued by the company register of Dubai
Aviation City Corporation
(hereinafter “Nutson” or “we”).
1.1. Under this User Agreement, we shall provide you with access to the Platform,
and you shall use it in strict compliance with the terms and conditions of the
User Agreement described below.
1.2. You are reading the User Agreement (hereinafter the “Agreement”) that shall
govern the relations between you and us and set out the terms and conditions
upon which you may access and use the Platform, our websites, services,
applications, products and content (hereinafter jointly the “Services”). For the
purposes of this Agreement, the words “you”, “your” and the “User” shall mean
you as a user of the services.
If you access or use the services on behalf of an enterprise or an entity, (a) “you” and “your”
shall mean a legal entity or an entity, (b) you warrant that you are an authorized representative of
the enterprise or a person authorized by that legal entity to accept this Agreement and to consent
to these terms and conditions on its behalf, and (c) your business or entity is legally and
financially liable for accessing or using our services and for accessing or using your account by
any other persons related to your entity, including employees, agents or contractors.
1.3. This Agreement as well as the Guidelines on Combating Breaches, Guidelines of
the Community, Procedure for the Handling of Complaints (hereinafter jointly
the “Terms and Conditions of Use”), Challenge Rules and Agreement on the
Fulfillment of Tasks that are an integral part of this Agreement as well as the
Privacy Policy shall be legally binding contracts between you and us. Please
take a moment to read them carefully.
After filling in the required fields and reading this Agreement, you should accept this Agreement
by clicking the “Sign Up” or a similar button which shall be the acceptance of our offer and the
entry into the contract that shall entail your obligation to comply with the terms of the
Actual use of the Platform without signing up an account, in the form and to the extent available
without signing up, shall be an acceptance of this Agreement as well.
By accessing the Platform and using the Services, you acknowledge that you have read and agree
with the Privacy Policy.
By arranging for or participating in a Challenge, you acknowledge that you will abide by the
Challenge Rules and the Agreement on the Fulfillment of Tasks.
When transferring funds using the Platform, you agree with the offer of the Connected Bank.
1.4. By signing up for the Platform, you acknowledge that you are of the eligible age
for signing up in accordance with the applicable laws and/or have obtained all
necessary consents (for example, of your parents) in all respects in accordance
with the applicable laws, among other things, for the purposes of compliance
with data protection laws. Otherwise, signing up for the Platform and its use are
1.5. This Agreement, the Terms and Conditions of Use, Privacy Policy, Challenge
Rules, Agreement on the Fulfillment of Tasks and any other applicable
agreements and terms and conditions incorporated in this Agreement by way of
reference can be found on the Platform directly or in the respective app store of
your mobile device where the Platform is available for downloading. You may
print or save local copies of the Agreement and the Terms and Conditions of
Use, Privacy Policy, Challenge Rules, Agreement on the Fulfillment of Tasks
and the offer of the Connected Bank.
1.6. If you fail to comply with this Agreement, the Terms and Conditions of Use, or
any other applicable terms and conditions, we may suspend or terminate your
account as described below.
1.7. For your convenience, we have compiled as the Glossary all terms used in the
Agreement and annexes to it.
1.8. From time to time, we make amendments to this Agreement and the Terms and
Conditions of Use, the Privacy Policy and any other legally binding documents,
for example, when we update and expand the functionality of our Services and/
or the application/Platform or when there is a change in the legislation. We will
use reasonable efforts to notify all Users of any material changes to this
Agreement and other documents within a reasonable timeframe, for example, by
means of a notice on our Platform or by e-mail. However, you should regularly
review the terms and conditions in order to check for such changes.
Your continued access to or use of the Services after the date of the new terms and conditions
shall constitute your acceptance of them. If you do not agree to a new version of the Agreement
or other terms and conditions or rules, you must stop using our Services/Platform.
2. Terms and Conditions of Use
2.1. Your Account
2.1.1. Signing up an Account In order to access or use some of our services, you shall create an account
(profile). When creating this account, you should provide accurate and up-to-
date information. It is important that you timely update your data and any other
information you provide to us to keep it up-to-date and complete. You will need to provide your mobile phone number and/or e-mail address,
where the authorization code will be sent. You will need to provide your
surname, first name and username on the Platform. You hereby agree to sending
SMS messages to your specified mobile phone number or sending e-mails to
your specified e-mail address that contain an authorization code for the purpose
of confirming the number and your subsequent logging in your account. The Platform registration form may request additional User information. You agree that you shall be solely liable for any actions that are taken under your
account. We shall not be liable if your account is hacked and your rights are
violated. All actions taken by the User via phone shall be deemed to be taken by
the User. However, do not hesitate to contact our support team for help at After signing up your account, you shall have the right to fill in your account
(fill in your profile) and other elements of the Platform with the Content, to add
videos and other materials in accordance with the provided functionality and to
use other functions that are provided by Nutson when the Platform is used,
provided that this Agreement and other applicable terms and conditions or rules
are complied with. By filling in the Profile, the User is aware and hereby
confirms that it makes the following information available to other Users of the
Platform (including unauthorized ones):
Users name (nickname) displayed on the Platform;
Additional information on himself/herself, which composition he/she shall
determine independently;
Information on the geographical location of shooting the Content. You shall independently determine the terms and conditions and provide access
to your personal data to the general public, including by signing up and using the
standard functionality of the Platform. We shall not initiate or influence your
choice, disseminate your data on our own and purport to obtain your permission
to disseminate your personal data.
Your credentials and other data shall be processed by us on the basis of this Agreement in order
to properly perform the Agreement upon the terms and conditions and in the manner specified in
the Privacy Policy available at nutson.us/privacy policy.
2.2. Platform Rules
On the Platform, you may use all functionality of the Platform that is available to you subject to
your age limits.
On our Platform, it is prohibited to carry out the following actions, as well as publish content,
organize and participate in Challenges, if the published materials, descriptions for them contain
the following information, actions and/or inducement to action:
2.2.1. Impersonating another person:
The following is prohibited on the Platform:
a. to distribute ways to register as a User on behalf of or instead of another person
("fake account");
b. to mislead Users about their identity by using the phone or email of another
registered User;
c. to misrepresent information about yourself, your age, or your relationship with
other persons or organizations;
2.2.2. Violence and cruelty:
On our Platform, it is prohibited to upload, store, publish, distribute, making available or
otherwise using any information that:
a. contains threats, discredits, insults, discredits the honor and dignity or business
reputation of other Users or third parties, or violates their privacy;
b. promotes incitement of racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, fascism or the
ideology of racial superiority;
c. promotes hatred against an individual or group of individuals based on
(including, but not limited to) gender, race or ethnicity, nationality, religion,
religious beliefs or lack thereof, gender identity, sexual orientation,
psychological and/or physical illness, disability, immigration status, and also
contains allegations that they are physically, mentally or morally handicapped
and / or calls for violence against such persons or justifies such violence
d. incites conflict situations, calls for violation of the Agreement, the Terms of Use
and applicable laws;
e. contains images of violent or brutal death of people, accidents, severe mutilation
of people, dismembered, maimed, charred, burned human remains, large
amounts of blood, as well as images of open wounds or injuries, real scenes of
physical violence, fights or torture;
f. contains scenes of sexual abuse of animals (bestiality), slaughter or other images
of unnatural death of animals, images of dismembered, mutilated, charred or
burned remains of animals, as well as any scenes of inhuman, cruel treatment of
g. contains shock content aimed at evoking negative emotions (dislike, fear, horror,
disgust, shock) among users, as well as images of the consequences of traffic
accidents, natural disasters, catastrophes, wars, terrorist acts.
2.2.3. Potentially dangerous activities
The following is prohibited on the Platform:
a. to post, upload, broadcast, promote content that demonstrates the potentially
misuse of dangerous tools, vehicles or items;
b. to publish, upload, broadcast, promote content that promotes the ingestion of
substances that are not intended for ingestion or may cause serious harm;
c. to post, upload, broadcast, promote content that promotes or contains dangerous
games, challenges, or tricks that could lead to injury;
d. to publish, upload, broadcast, encourage content that demonstrates and promotes
dangerous sports without professional training (parkour, high diving, etc.), or
other dangerous physical activities without professional training (roofing,
digging, etc.) with violation of safety standards and the applicable legislation.
2.2.4. Actions aimed at violating the rights of minors
We approach the security of minors with great responsibility, therefore, the Platform prohibits
the dissemination of information that:
a. violates any rights of minors;
b. is vulgar or obscene, contains pornographic images and texts or scenes of a
sexual nature involving minors;
c. is aimed at inducing or otherwise involving minors in committing unlawful acts
that pose a threat to their life and (or) health or to the life and (or) health of other
d. promotes, encourages and/or distributes child sexual abuse, the exchange or sale
of child abuse material, or links to other resources for the purpose of obtaining
or distributing such materials;
e. promotes, encourages and / or distributes scenes of smoking or drinking alcohol
by minors;
f. promotes, encourages, involves and/or distributes scenes of the use of illegal
narcotic, psychotropic and other restricted or prohibited substances by minors.
2.2.5. Sex and sexual materials
It is forbidden to disseminate information that:
a. directly or indirectly depicts sexual acts, including sex with or without
penetration, oral sex;
b. promotes, distributes and/or encourages the provision of services for the
organization of prostitution, involvement in prostitution;
c. promotes, distributes and / or encourages the provision of services of an erotic
d. promotes, distributes and / or contains adult content (with explicit or implied
labeling 18+), any pornography, sex video chats, sites indicating the placement
of explicit photos.
2.2.6. Suicide, self-harm, grievous bodily harm and eating disorders (ED):
We care about the mental health and condition of our Users, so if you or your loved ones need
any psychological support, please call the suicide prevention hotline.
On our Platform, it is prohibited to disseminate information that:
a. promotes, distributes, encourages and / or contains a description of the means
and methods of suicide, any incitement to commit it or encouragement to
commit it;
b. promotes, distributes, encourages, portrays, normalizes or glorifies self-harm,
eating disorders or other dangerous weight loss activities associated with eating
disorders, contains instructions for self-harm or eating disorders or eating
c. promotes, distributes, encourages, normalizes or glorifies euthanasia, self-harm,
refusal to take medically prescribed medications aimed at improving the
psychological state and health of a person, as well as dangerous, unproven
methods of treatment
2.2.7. Extremism and Unsanctioned Mass Events:
The Platform does not allow information that:
a. contains any extremist materials;
b. promotes criminal activity or contains advice, instructions or guidelines for
committing criminal acts, contains information of limited access, including state
and commercial secrets, information about the private life of third parties, but
not limited to this;
c. contains calls for riots, extremist activities, participation in mass (public) events
held in violation of the established procedure, unreliable socially significant
information distributed under the guise of reliable messages, which creates a
threat of harm to the life and (or) health of citizens, property, the threat of a mass
violation of public order and (or) public security or the threat of interfering with
the functioning or stopping the functioning of vital facilities, transport or social
infrastructure, credit organizations, energy, industry or communications
facilities, as well as information materials of a foreign or international non-
governmental organization whose activities are recognized unwanted on the
territory of the CIS countries, and information that allows access to the specified
information or materials;
d. promotes or provides services for placing public calls for extremist activities,
incitement of hatred or hostility, as well as humiliation of human dignity or
encouragement of such actions;
e. promotes or provides services for organizing an extremist community.
2.2.8. Drugs and narcotic substances:
The Platform does not allow information that:
a. contains advertising of drugs or describes the attraction of their use, including
"digital drugs" (sound files that affect the human brain through binaural beats),
information about the distribution of drugs, recipes for their manufacture and
tips for using them, as well as ways, methods of development, manufacture and
use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, new
potentially dangerous psychoactive substances, places of their acquisition,
methods and places of cultivation of drug-containing plants;
b. promotes and / or encourages the sale / distribution of narcotic drugs,
psychotropic substances and their precursors, the cultivation of narcotic plants;
c. promotes the services of storage, transportation, manufacture, processing of
narcotic drugs, precursors, psychotropic substances or their analogues, as well as
illegal acquisition, storage, transportation of plants containing narcotic drugs or
psychotropic substances, or parts thereof containing narcotic drugs or
psychotropic substances.
2.2.9. Weapons:
Our Platform does not allow information that:
a. promotes services to assist in the conduct of hostilities, regardless of the
occupied side of the conflict, forms of support (humanitarian aid, supply of
weapons, communications equipment, medicines, etc.);
b. promotes, encourages or contains instructions for the distribution and sale of
weapons and ammunition;
c. contains instructions for the development, production, testing, storage, repair
and disposal of weapons and ammunition;
d. promotes and/or encourages the trade in essential parts of firearms;
e. promotes and / or encourages the trade in ammunition, including cartridges and
their components such as cartridge cases and primers;
f. promotes and / or encourages any actions with military equipment, spare parts,
components and devices for it, explosives, explosives, gunpowder, all types of
rocket fuel, as well as special materials and special equipment for their
production, special equipment for paramilitary personnel organizations and
regulatory and technical products for their production and operation;
g. promotes and / or encourages any actions with chemical warfare agents, means
of protection against them and regulatory and technical documentation for their
production and use;
h. promotes, encourages and/or distributes services for the manufacture/
modification/repair of firearms, their main parts, ammunition, explosives or
explosive devices.
2.2.10. Activities associated with high financial risks
When making transfers within the Platform, use only our built-in payment system.
The Platform prohibits the dissemination of information that:
a. promotes illegal activities in organizing gambling, casinos, bookmakers,
b. promotes, encourages the provision and receipt of loans, replenishment of
accounts in payment systems in order to legalize (launder) money;
c. promotes, encourages money transfers, acceptance of payments in favor of
payment systems in order to legalize (launder) money;
d. promotes forex, binary auctions, bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies;
e. promotes, encourages trade/production of counterfeit credit or payment cards
and other payment instruments;
f. promotes, encourages or distributes information about financial pyramids, HYIP
(High Yield Investment Program, also Hip, Hi-IP);
2.2.11. Alcohol and tobacco
It is prohibited to post information on the Platform that:
a. contains, promotes, encourages offers for the remote retail sale of alcoholic
products, and (or) alcohol-containing food products, and (or) ethyl alcohol, and
(or) alcohol-containing non-food products, the retail sale of which is limited or
prohibited by the legislation on state regulation of production and turnover ethyl
alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the
consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products;
b. contains, promotes, encourages the distribution and sale of tobacco products;
c. contains, promotes, encourages the distribution and sale of alcoholic products,
ethyl alcohol.
2.2.12. Medicines, poisons
Our Platform does not allow information that:
a. contains, promotes, encourages the sale and / or distribution of medicines, food
supplements, dietary supplements;
b. contains, promotes, encourages the sale and / or distribution of poisons;
c. contains, promotes, encourages the sale and / or distribution of medicinal raw
materials obtained from reindeer breeding (antlers and endocrine raw materials).
2.2.13. Restricted or Prohibited Goods
Our Platform does not allow information that:
a. contains, promotes, encourages any actions with pesticides and agrochemicals,
restricted in circulation;
b. contains, promotes, encourages any actions with potent or poisonous substances.
2.2.14. Copyright
a. On our Platform it is forbidden to use any objects of intellectual property and the
results of intellectual activity of third parties without the written consent of the
copyright holder.
2.2.15. Cheat and illegal advertising
The following is not allowed on the Platform:
a. increase the number of Likes, comments, subscribers using automated and / or
paid systems (“cheating”);
b. attracting Users to third-party, blocked or restricted access or containing links to
blocked/restricted services, sites or registration of Users on such services, sites;
c. advertising restricted goods or illegal services, or services and goods owned by
third parties;
d. fabrication of reviews;
e. creation of a challenge, the condition of which is to attract users for the purpose
of artificially cheating subscriptions, likes, comments for any amount of money
as a win in the challenge in any currency;
f. cheating or changing the statistics of sites, the number of subscribers in social
networks, an unfair increase and cheating Likes, etc.;
g. ordering automatic or manual distribution of invitations and messages to users of
social networks, email newsletters;
h. ads for risk-based games, betting, casinos, gambling, lotteries and other
restricted or illegal gambling-related activities.
2.2.16. Use of software and hardware for illegal purposes
On our Platform it is prohibited:
a. to use the software and carry out actions aimed at disrupting the normal
functioning of the Platform, as well as emulate, decompile, disassemble,
decrypt, modify and perform other similar actions with the Platform, as well as
remove / replace the Copyright Holder's copyright;
b. to promote, encourage the provision of illegal access to computer information;
c. to promote, encourage the creation, use and distribution of malicious computer
d. ro propagandize, encourage any actions with special technical means designed to
secretly obtain information;
e. to promote, encourage cardsharing
2.2.17. Personal data
We respect the right of users to privacy, therefore it is prohibited on our Platform:
a. in any way, including by deceit, breach of trust, hacking, but not limited to, try
to gain access to another User's account;
b. to carry out illegal collection and processing of personal data of other persons;
c. to promote, encourage the placement of information, materials that discredit the
honor and dignity of a person, violation of the secrecy of correspondence,
personal life;
d. to promote, encourage hacking of third party accounts, extraction of classified
information, its modification.
2.2.18. Precious stones and metals
The following is prohibited on the Platform:
a. to promote, encourage the distribution and sale of precious, rare metals and
stones, jewelry, incl. waste containing precious and rare earth metals and
precious stones;
b. distribution and sale of gold bars, investments in gold bars, any circulation of
precious metals, natural precious stones or pearls, including the sale of articles
made of precious metals.
2.2.19. Illegal activity
It is prohibited to distribute information on the Platform that:
a. is fraudulent;
b. promotes, encourages any illegal actions with museum objects and museum
collections included in the Museum Fund of the CIS countries if any;
c. promotes, encourages any illegal actions with X-ray equipment, devices and
equipment using radioactive substances and isotopes;
d. propagandizes, encourages any illegal actions with spacecraft and objects of
ground-based space infrastructure related to satellite navigation systems and
created at the expense of the federal budget;
e. propagandizes, encourages any illegal actions with rocket and space complexes,
military communications and control systems and regulatory and technical
documentation for their production and operation;
f. promotes and encourages mediation in bribery;
g. promotes, encourages any actions that, by their content or nature, may lead to a
violation of the applicable legislation;
h. promotes, encourages the dissemination and sale of information constituting a
commercial, tax or banking secret;
i. promotes, encourages poaching or illegal trade in wild animals and plants;
j. promotes, encourages potentially dangerous services that may cause deliberate
harm to the health of the User and third parties;
k. violates other rights and interests of citizens and legal entities or the
requirements of the applicable legislation.
3. Financing our Platform. Our Fee.
3.1. You will not pay for the use of the Platform, however, by using the Platform,
you acknowledge that we may provide you with advertisements for which
companies and/or other Users who promote their products or services pay us.
3.2. We shall provide you with relevant and useful advertisements without revealing
your identity to the advertisers. The advertisers inform us on their business goals
and the target audience they wish to provide their advertisements to. Then we
provide their advertisements to individuals who might be interested in it.
3.3. We also provide advertisers with advertising performance reports to help them
understand how people interact with their Content within the Platform. We do
not provide anyone with any personally identifiable information (such as your
name and your e-mail address which may be used by themselves to contact or to
identify you) unless you give us your special permission to do so.
3.4. Remuneration Challenges through the Platform
3.4.1. If you arrange for or participate in any Remuneration Challenges, you should do
so solely in accordance with and abiding by the Challenge Rules
3.4.2. The Platform shall not be a participant in the Challenge; such deals shall be
closed between the Users of the Platform. The Platform makes it technically
possible to arrange for a Challenge. The Platform shall charge a commission fee
for making it technically possible to hold the Remuneration Challenge using the
Platform in the amount of 20 percent of the Remuneration, including applicable
3.4.3. The Platform commission fee shall be paid as follows: when transferring funds
to another User, the User shall send the respective order to connecting bank and
payment institution (hereinafter the “Connected Bank”) via the Platform. The
User shall grant his/her unconditional consent, that is, full acceptance for
withholding the cost of the Platform services when carrying out such transaction.
However, the Platform shall not bear any liability for actions of the Connected
Bank when fulfilling the above order, actually merely assisting the User in
sending his/her order to the Connected Bank.
4. Granting License Rights to the Platform
4.1. We respect intellectual property rights and ask you to do the same. Your access
to and use of the Services shall be conditional upon your consent not to use the
Services for the purpose of infringing any intellectual property rights. We
reserve the right to block access to the Platform/Services and/or to delete the
account of any User that infringes or allegedly infringes any copyright or other
intellectual property rights, without a notice, at any time and at our sole
4.2. Granting you License Rights to Use the Platform. Provided that you comply
with this Agreement and all other applicable terms and conditions or rules, we
shall grant you a limited, non-exclusive license, without the right to sublicense
(and without the right to transfer and to assign access to the Platform) to use the
Platform and to integrate with it, but only to the extent permitted by this
Agreement and all other applicable terms and conditions or rules. You will not
sell, transfer or sublicense the rights to the Platform to any other persons. Unless
this Agreement explicitly grants you a license to do so, you will not use, access,
integrate, modify, translate, reverse engineer or otherwise operate the Platform
or any its element or create any derivative works.
4.3. Nutson shall carry out the day-to-day management of the Platform, determine its
structure and appearance, allow or restrict your access in case the provisions of
this Agreement are violated and exercise any other rights that it has. The User
agrees that we shall have the right to use the functional and technical capabilities
of the software (audio/video players and editors) that ensure the display of the
Content posted on the Platform, at our sole discretion, including for the purpose
of displaying advertisements.
4.4. In terms of providing the possibility of interaction between Users, including
providing Users with the opportunity to independently perform certain actions
within the Platform, Nutson acts solely as a person who has provided the
technological possibility of such interaction using the Platform. The
transmission and storage of information, graphics and other materials provided
by Users, as well as providing access to them, related to such interaction via the
Internet and the Platform software, are carried out without Nutson changing such
materials or influencing their content.
4.5. We shall have the right to:
4.5.1. At any time, change the Platform design and user interface, its content, the
content of the provided functions of the Platform, modify or supplement the
scripts, software and other items used or stored on the Platform, with or without
notification of the User.
4.5.2. We reserve the right to temporarily or permanently disable the Users account at
any time, including if you fail to comply with any of the provisions of this
Agreement, the Terms and Conditions of Use or other applicable rules, terms
and conditions, or if we believe that any actions taken from your account cause
or may cause damage to or deteriorate the quality of the services, or may
prejudice or infringe the rights of any third parties, or violate any laws or
regulations, of which we will notify you within a reasonable time.
4.5.3. We reserve the right to delete or to disable access to the Content at our sole
discretion for any reason at any time and without a prior notice.
4.5.4. We reserve the right to cut, crop, edit your Content or to refuse to post your
Content at our sole discretion. We shall have the right to prohibit, block or delete
any publication that you post on the Platform services if we believe that your
publication does not comply with this Agreement, the Terms and Conditions of
Use and other terms and conditions or rules, the applicable legislation and other
applicable law, causes or may cause damage to or deteriorate the quality of the
services or may prejudice or infringe the rights of any third parties, at our sole
OTHER THINGS, IF YOU: Use swear words, insults in your Comments to the Content. We receive complaints about you (rudeness, offensive behavior, inadequate
communication). You have violated this Agreement or any legally binding agreements with us.
4.6. You acknowledge and agree that we may stop granting you the license rights to
the Platform described in this section at any time for or without a reason.
4.7. License Grant of Third-Party Services
4.7.2. We use TrueDepth API technologies (ARKit, with automatic assessment of the
actual environment of directional lighting) to create AR effects on the Platform.
The only use of this information shall be to provide valuable user defined
functions. No information gathered by the TrueDepth API shall ever leave the
user device. We shall not transfer the information to any third parties, store or
otherwise process the data that we have access to and which we use through the
TrueDepth API. More information on the TrueDepth API technologies is
available at https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208108.
The information provided using the TrueDepth API technologies shall be stored on the device
only while AR effects are being created on the Platform. When rendering an effect, the data shall
not be saved and shall be deleted after the final video is created or the data shall not be used
when the final video is created.
5. Content
5.1. We do not claim ownership of your and/or any other audiovisual works, audio,
video, musical works (hereinafter referred to as "Content"), but you grant us a
license to use it. Your rights to your Content remain unaffected. Our Platform is
an information intermediary and does not initiate the download of any Content,
does not determine the recipient of the specified Content, and does not verify
that the specified Content belongs to you. We do not change your Content,
except for changes made to support the Content transfer process.
You may upload Content to our Platform, subject to the applicable laws of the and the rules of
the Platform. You have the right to store the Content you upload, provided you have the consent
of the copyright holders of musical and audiovisual works, if these works are not created by you
or you do not grant a license to use your Content to a third party. We assume that when you
upload any Content, you have the right to use it. If we receive a written statement from the
copyright holder about the violation of its intellectual rights in relation to the content uploaded
by you, we will take the necessary and sufficient measures to stop the violation of rights in
relation to the specified Content.
We do not claim ownership of your Content that you post on or through the Platform. You
hereby grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, transferable and sub-licensable license
to store and replay your Content and create derivative works based on it.
5.2. You can delete Content individually or all at once by deleting your account (to
delete some Content, you must write to the support service, and the Content will
be deleted within 2 (two) weeks after the request).
In the event that you decide to revoke this license for any use of your Content, you may do so by
deleting your account and no longer using the Platform. The license terminates when your
Content is removed from our systems, unless otherwise provided by applicable law.
5.3. We do not carry out commercial use, and also do not receive any other profit
associated with the storage and / or reproduction of your content and the creation
of derivative works based on it.
If you are a composer or author of a piece of music and are affiliated with a copyright
enforcement organization, then you must notify your organization of the royalty-free license you
grant us in this Agreement with respect to your User Content. You are solely responsible for
ensuring that you comply with the applicable obligations of your copyright enforcement
organization. You grant us the right to use your image.
You agree that Content may be used by the public on this Platform for the purpose of integrating
audio with other users' videos, reworking audio, and creating new audio (sound and/or music),
including, but not limited to, duets, parody clips by other users using audio and / or video works
uploaded to the repository and allow such use (open license).
6. Service of Public Messages
6.1. The Service of Public Messages shall mean that the User may post messages on
the Platform pages that may be viewed by all Users who visit the respective page
of the Platform.
In addition to the general rules, it shall be prohibited to post public messages that:
Contain advertising information, spam, pyramid schemes, chain letters
Are unlawful, harmful, threatening, injuring morality, defamatory, violating
copyright, propagating hatred and/or race, ethnic, sex, social discrimination;
Contain links to Internet sites owned by the Users or any third parties;
Violate the rights of any third parties;
Comment on the Remuniration;
Are not relevant to the Task or the Challenge.
6.2. The Administration shall have the right to delete a public message that complies
with or violates the Agreement at any time and to take any other actions or
inaction at its sole discretion.
7. Platform Arbitration
In the event that any disputes regarding a Task and the Challenge Rules arise among the Users
under the Agreement, they shall be resolved by the Administration. The Users agree that the
Administration shall have the right to take any necessary steps by results of considering a
disputable situation. The Administration decision shall be final and not subject to appeal.
8. Warranties and Liability
8.1. Your Warranties and Liability
8.1.1. You warrant that you have all powers and capacity required to enter into this
Agreement and other rules, terms and conditions and shall be liable for assessing
the accuracy, completeness and fitness of all opinions, estimates, services and
other information, quality and functions of the goods provided through the
8.1.2. You may not transfer your rights or obligations under this Agreement without
our consent.
8.1.3. You shall be personally liable for any Content or other information that you post
on the Platform or otherwise communicate to the general public on or through
the Platform. You undertake to independently settle claims of any third parties
that are related to inappropriate posting of the Content and information on the
8.1.4. To the extent permitted by law, in case of any dispute that results from your use
of our Services between you and any third parties, for example, including, but
not limited to, any communications provider, copyright holder or other Users,
that arises directly between you and such third parties, you shall irrevocably
hold harmless and indemnify us and our partners against any complaints, claims
and damages (actual and subsequent) of any kind and nature, whether or not
known, arising in any way and related to such disputes.
8.2. Nutson Warranties and Liability
8.2.1. We shall have the right to assign our rights and obligations to other persons. For
example, this may occur in the event of a change of ownership (due to merger,
acquisition or sale of assets) or by virtue of law.
8.2.2. The Platform shall be provided “as is”, we make no warranties that:
The Platform will operate continuously and will be free from technical errors;
The Platform will meet all your expectations or requirements.
8.2.3. We shall not control any statements and actions of people and other persons and
shall not be liable for their (or your) actions and conduct (on and off the
Internet) or the Content (including unlawful or objectionable one). Furthermore,
we shall not be liable for the services and functions offered by other people or
companies, even if you access them through our Platform.
8.2.4. We shall not participate in generating the content of your account and the
Content, control your actions, shall not censor and are not technically able to
automatically censor information in the open sections of the Platform and in
your account. Due to the specific features of the Platform functioning, we shall
not moderate and are not technically able to preliminarily moderate any
information and Content posted by you and shall not be liable for its content.
8.2.5. We shall not bear any liability for any content presented and posted by the Users
and/or authorized third parties.
8.2.6. In the event of troubles with our Platform, we are unable to forecast all of their
implications. You agree that we will not be liable for any lost profits or income,
lost information or data or for any indirect, punitive or incidental damages
arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, even if we were aware that
such damages could be incurred. This provision shall apply as well to our
deletion of your Content, information or account, loss of business, goodwill or
business opportunities or business interruption. Any other losses will be limited
to the amount you paid to Nutson during the past 12 months.
9. Special Conditions
9.1. Nutson Logo. The User has been notified of and agrees that when images and
videos are posted, each of such images or videos may be provided with the
Nutson logo that is due to the Platform functionality.
9.2. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction. This Agreement, its subject matter and
content shall be governed by the applicable legislation. All disputes between the
parties to this Agreement shall be resolved through correspondence and
negotiations in the course of compulsory pre-court dispute settlement procedure
(pre-action protocols). If the parties cannot reach an agreement through
negotiations within sixty (60) days from the date the other party receives a
written claim, any party concerned shall refer the dispute to the court of general
jurisdiction at the location of Nutson (the jurisdiction over the case of any other
courts shall be ruled out), unless otherwise is expressly provided for by
applicable law.
9.3. Entire Agreement. This Agreement (including all rules, terms and conditions)
shall constitute the entire legal agreement between you and Nutson, govern your
use of the Services and supersede in full any prior agreements between you and
Nutson in relation to our Services.
9.4. Age Limit. The Services shall be provided solely to persons aged 13 and over.
To join the Remuneration Challenge, you must have full capacity in your
country of registration, but you must be at least 18 years old. By using the
services, you confirm that you are over the respective age specified in this
Agreement. If we become aware that someone under the respective age specified
above uses the Services, we will terminate that Users account.
9.5. Waiver. Our failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be
construed as a waiver of such provision or right.
9.6. Safety. We do not warrant that our Services will be safe or free from any bugs or
viruses. You shall be liable for configuring your information systems, computer
programs and the Platform to access our Services. You must use your own anti-
virus software.
9.7. Partial Invalidity. If a court having jurisdiction to rule on this matter
determines that any provision of this Agreement is invalid, such provision will
be deleted from the Agreement without affecting the remaining part of this
Agreement and other provisions will remain valid and enforceable.
9.8. Communication
Any notices may be sent by one party to the other party:
By e-mail to the e-mail address of the User specified by him/her when signing
up or to the e-mail address of Nutson [email protected];
In the form of a message to the Users mobile phone number: by the Users
phone number specified by him/her when signing up;
To the Notifications section of the Users personal profile on the Platform.
10. Additional Terms and Conditions—App Stores
To the extent permitted by applicable law, the following additional terms and conditions shall
apply when accessing the Platform through certain devices.
10.1. Apple Products Note. By downloading our Platform to devices manufactured
by Apple, Inc. (hereinafter “Apple”) or from the Apple AppStore, you
acknowledge and agree that:
This Agreement shall be valid between Nutson and you; Apple shall not be a
party to this Agreement;
License granted to you under this Agreement shall be limited to your personal,
limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to install the Platform on Apple
devices that you own or control for your personal, non-commercial use in
accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Use set out in the terms and
conditions of Apple AppStore services;
Apple shall not be liable for the Platform or its content and is not obliged to
provide any services for maintaining or supporting the Platform;
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other
warranty obligations with respect to the Platform;
Apple shall not be liable for any claims of yours or of any third parties that relate
to the Platform, your possession or use of the Platform, including, without
limitation, (a) claims related to the product quality; (b) any claims to the effect
that the Platform does not comply with all applicable laws and regulatory
requirements; and (c) claims arising from consumer rights protection or from
applying similar legislation;
If any third party alleges that the Platform or your possession and use of the
Platform infringes such third party’s intellectual property rights, Apple shall not
be liable for investigating, defending, settling, or rejecting such intellectual
property infringement claim.
10.2. Google Play. By downloading the Platform from the Google Play operated by
Google, Inc. or one of its affiliates (hereinafter “Google”), you acknowledge and
agree that:
In the event of a conflict between (a) the Google Play User Agreement, the
Google Play Business and Program Policy or any other agreements that Google
determines by default as the end-user license of the Google Play App Store
(jointly referred to as the “Google Play Agreements”), and (b) other terms and
provisions of this Agreement, the Google Play Agreements will apply to the use
of the Platform that you downloaded from Google Play; and
Google shall not assume any liability or obligations whatsoever arising out of
Nutson’s or your (or any other Users) compliance or failure to comply with this
Agreement or the Google Play Agreements.
11. Account deletion initiated by the User
11. 1. The User may at any time initiate the deletion of his account in the absence of active
11.2. If the User changes his mind and wants to restore the account, he can send a request for
restoration in the User's profile within 30 calendar days after deletion. After 30 days, the User's
account is deleted without the possibility of recovery.
Appendix No. 1 to the User Agreement
Each term defined in this Glossary shall have the same meaning regardless of where it is used in
the Agreement or its appendixes. In this case, the words in the singular shall include the plural,
and vice versa.
1. Administration shall mean employees of the Company and persons duly
authorized by the Company to control the Platform and to provide the
Company’s Services to Visitors and Users during their use of the Platform.
2. Arbitration shall mean consideration of a dispute and/or complaints by the
Platform Administration and making a decision binding upon the parties.
3. Agreement shall mean the User Agreement for the provision of the
4. Challenge Video Confirmation shall mean the video posted by a Challenge
participant to confirm his/her participation in the Challenge and accidentally
sounded Likes and Voices as part of the Challenge.
5. Challenge Duration shall mean the time determined by the Challenge Organizer
to hold the Challenge.
6. Challenge Participant shall mean the User who has posted a Video Confirmation
for participation in the Challenge in accordance with the Challenge Rules.
7. Challenge shall mean a call for organizational or other actions of the Challenge
Organizer to an unlimited range of other users. In order to participate in the
Challenge, you should fulfill the Challenge Task recorded on video and post the
Video Confirmation on the Platform in accordance with the Challenge Rules.
8. Challenge Task shall mean a condition of fulfilling the Challenge that is
determined by the Challenge Organizer in accordance with the Challenge Rules
and intended for the authorized Users.
9. Challenge Final - the second stage of the Challenge, in which the winner of the
Challenge is selected based on the Voices received.
10. Challenge Organizer shall mean the user who has created a Challenge in order to
organize the taking of certain actions by other Users in order to implement
which the Challenge Organizer may affect funding in accordance with the
Challenge Rules.
11. Challenge Selection - the first stage of the Challenge, in which Users upload
Challenge Video Confirmation to participate in the Challenge.
12. Challenge Winner shall mean the user who has been awarded a Challenge win in
accordance with the Challenges Rules.
13. Connected Bank shall mean the applicable bank or non-bank
payment institution connected for your jurisdiction.
14. Comment shall mean a subjective opinion of a User on videos posted on the
Platform by other Users.
15. Content shall mean design elements, illustrations, graphics, photographs, scripts,
texts, videos, music, sounds and other items posted on the Platform that are,
among other things, intellectual deliverables, the rights to use which may be held
by the User or any other persons.
16. Involvement Index shall mean the Platform comprehensive rating
that is determined by assessing the proportion of Users’ targeted
actions equivalent to one post, period of time and/or User.
17. Like shall mean a conditional expression of the Users approval of the Content
with the use of technical aids of the Platform.
18. Personal law is the personal law of an individual. The personal law of a natural
person is the law of the country of which the person is a citizen. If a person has
several foreign citizenships, the personal law shall be the law of the country in
which this person has a place of residence. The personal law of a stateless
person is the law of the country in which this person has a place of residence.
The personal law of a refugee is the law of the country that granted him asylum.
19. Mobile Application shall mean a hardware and software package based on iOS
or Android.
20. Offer shall mean the Challenge Organizers proposal to enter into an
agreement made to the Challenge Participant.
21. Place of the announcement of the Challenge - a section of the application,
which contains the Challenges created by users.
22. Platform shall mean a set of computer programs, databases that ensure the
functioning of the Nutson mobile application and a set of the Services provided
to the Users when using the mobile application and the Company’s site. It shall
include the Nutson Mobile Application, including the Nutson website.
23. Profile shall mean information on the User posted at the discretion of the User.
24. The Recommendation Feed is a selection of personalized content based on
specific User preferences.
25. Remuneration shall mean an amount of funds determined by the Challenge
Organizer when creating the Challenge in accordance with the Challenge Rules.
The Remuneration shall be a gratuity (non-cash funds) and shall not include any
other (non-monetary) forms of consideration (other property in kind, including
property rights).
26. User shall mean an individual who is of the age of 13 or of any other age that is
allowed by the law applicable to the User for the acceptance of the Agreement or
other legally binding documents and who has signed up for the Platform in
accordance with the established procedure.
27. Voice - NUTS-voice, an expression of approval put down by the user in the
Recommendation Feed for Challenge Video Confirmation in the Challenge
28. Visitor shall mean an individual who is of the age of 13 or any other age that is
allowed by the law applicable to the User or the Visitor for the acceptance of the
Agreement or other legally binding documents and who uses the Platform, or a
legal representative of a legal entity.
29. Winner Selection shall mean automatic determination of the Challenge Winner
in accordance with the Challenge Rules.
Appendix No. 2 to the User Agreement
Challenge Rules
1. General
1.1. These Challenge Rules (hereinafter the “Rules”) shall be a model Offer of the
Challenge Organizer intended for the Challenge Participants. The Offer shall be
accepted in the manner prescribed by this Offer. The Offer acceptance by the
Challenge Participant shall be equal to entering into an agreement upon the
terms and conditions set forth in this Offer. These Rules shall be a legally
binding document for the Challenge Organizer, the Challenge Participants and
Challenge Winner.
1.2. The Challenge announcement shall be posted as follows:
1.2.1. In the Challenge Organizers account on the Platform and in the search bar and
other places within the Platform’s functionality.
1.3. The Challenge is not a lottery, is not risk-based and does not require any
participation fee.
1.4. The Challenge shall be held with or Renumeration.
1.5. The Challenge shall be held in accordance with these Rules. To participate in the
Challenge, the Challenge Participant shall be invited to take actions in the
manner prescribed by the Challenge Organizer and these Rules.
1.6. Under no circumstances may the Company and Apple or Google be treated as
the Challenge Organizers, influencing the Challenge results and/or the
generation and allocation of the Remuneration.
1.7. Any terms and conditions of the Challenge that are not governed by these Rules
and the Agreement shall be determined and posted by the Challenge Organizer at
the place where the Challenge is announced.
1.8. The Challenge Organizer and the Challenge Participant warrant that they have
sufficient legal status and capacity and shall have the right to accede to these
Rules, including for organizing and participating in Renumeration Challenges,
in accordance with applicable law and the Personal Law.
The Challenge Organizer, the Challenge Participant and the Remuneration Challenge Winner
shall have full capacity in their country of registration in accordance with the Personal Law but
must be at least 18 years of age.
2. Challenge Duration and Cancellation
2.1. The Challenge Organizer shall independently determine the Challenge Duration
and post it at the place where the Challenge is announced. The Challenge
Duration shall include the term of posting the Challenge Video Confirmation,
which shall be the same for all Challenge Participants.
2.2. After the expiry of the Challenge Duration, the Likes leaving period shall begin
which shall be 24 hours.
2.3. The Challenge Organizer shall have the right to cancel the Challenge before the
Term for Gathering the Challenge Video Confirmations of the Challenge
Participants starts.
3. Challenge Task
3.1. The Task shall contain a detailed description of the Challenge that is sufficient to
fulfill it, the amount of the Remuneration , the Challenge Duration and any other
terms and conditions at the discretion of the Challenge Organizer.
3.2. The design and the provision of the Challenge shall be effected by the Challenge
Organizer using the technical aids of the Platform.
3.3. The Task shall be generated and posted by the Challenge Organizer
independently at the place where the Challenge is announced.
3.4. The Challenge announcement shall automatically mean that these Rules apply to
the User and he/she obtains the status of the Challenge Organizer.
3.5. The posting of the Challenge Video Confirmation by the User shall
automatically mean that these Rules apply to the User, and he/she obtains the
status of the Challenge Participant.
3.6. It is prohibited to post and to fulfill any Tasks that are prohibited on the Platform
and specified in clause 2.2.2 of the Agreement.
4. Winner Selection Procedure
4.1. The Challenge consists of two stages: the first stage is the Selection, the second
stage is the Final.
4.1.1. As part of the Selection, Users upload Challenge Video Confirmation, which must
meet the following criteria in order to qualify for the Final. get 6 likes from subscribers of the Challenge participant. be of high quality (image, sound, light, editing, filming). meet the conditions of the Challenge. be original (if required by the conditions of the Challenge).
4.1.2. We do not miss the Challenge if the profile of the Challenge Participant does not have
an avatar, their original videos. We reserve the right to evaluate the profile of the Challenge
Participant and make a decision on the approval or rejection of the Challenge organized by him/
4.2. The Participant of the Challenge confirms participation in the Challenge by
posting the Video Confirmation of the Challenge on the Platform.
4.3. The Winner is determined from the Challenge Participants. The Winner of the
Challenge is whose Video Confirmation of the Challenge received the most
Voices. The Winner is determined automatically.
4.4. The status of the Winner can be transferred to the next Challenge Participant in
the list if the winning Participant has gained Likes or Voices, or his Video
Confirmation does not meet the criteria specified in clause and his
victory in this case is recognized by us as invalid.
4.5. The Platform has the right to cancel the Challenge before determining the
Winner if less than 2 participants participate in the Challenge with suitable
Video Confirmation for the final.
5. Receiving the Remuneration
5.1. The Remuneration shall be transferred to the Challenge Winner through the
Platform, less the Platform commission fee as specified in clause 3.4 of the
Agreement within three (3) business days after the end of the Challenge
5.2. The Remuneration shall be a prerequisite for the Challenge.
5.3. Remuneration Payment Procedure.
5.3.1. Organizer shall contribute the Remuneration amount as a security for his/her
5.3.2. The Platform redirects the Challenge Organizer to the Connected Bank payment
page where the Challenge Organizer shall specify his/her bank card details and
issue an order for the Remuneration transfer to the Connected Bank where it will
be reserved until the Challenge Winner is selected and such Remuneration is
paid to him/her.
5.3.3. By confirming the transfer of the Remuneration amount to the Connected Bank,
the Challenge Organizer shall thereby confirm the payment of the Remuneration
amount to the Challenge Winner after such Challenge Winner is selected.
5.3.4. The Challenge Organizer understands that after the Challenge Winner is selected
and the Challenge Duration expires, the Platform will send to the Connected
Bank the Challenge Organizers order to transfer the Remuneration amount to
the Challenge Winner within three (3) business days after the Challenge
Duration expires, and such transfer shall be deemed as accepted by the
Challenge Organizer in full.
5.4. After successful debiting (reserving) of funds on the account with the Connected
Bank, the Challenge shall become active and other Users may participate in it.
5.4.1. At that:
In case of an error in debiting the funds, the Challenge Organizer shall be invited
to change the payment method;
If the Challenge is canceled as awarded by the Arbitration after the funds have
been debited, the debited funds will be repaid to the Challenge Organizer;
In case the Challenge is canceled by the Challenge Organizer, the debited funds
will be repaid to the Challenge Organizer.
5.5. After the Challenge is held and the Challenge Winner is selected, the Platform
will send a notice to the Challenge Winner stating that he/she has been
recognized as the Challenge Winner and that he/she is required to enter his/her
bank card details on the Connected Bank payment page in order to transfer the
Remuneration amount.
5.6. After holding the Challenge, selecting the Challenge Winner and receiving the
Challenge Winners bank card data, the Platform shall send the Challenge
Organizer’s order to transfer the funds reserved earlier from the Challenge
Organizer’s account to the Challenge Winners account with the Connected
Bank, and the bank shall transfer the Remuneration amount from the Challenge
Organizer to the Challenge Winner.
5.6.1. At that:
In case of an error in transferring the funds to the Challenge Winners account,
he/she shall be invited to re-link his/her card credentials;
If the Challenge is canceled as awarded by the Arbitration before the Challenge
Winner is selected, the debited funds will be repaid to the Challenge Organizer;
In case the Challenge Winner is not active for a long time (more than five (5)
days) and fails to comply with clause 5.5 of these Rules, the Remuneration shall
be deemed as unclaimed and will be repaid to the Challenge Organizer.
5.7. The Platform shall charge its commission fee pursuant to clause 3.4 of the
6. Obligations to Pay Taxes, Levies and Other Charges
6.1. The Challenge Organizer and the Challenge Winner shall independently pay all
necessary taxes, levies and charges payable in connection with these Rules in
accordance with applicable law and independently bear the respective risks and
liability in case of non-payment. The Company shall not be a tax agent under
these Rules.
7. Copyright and Related Rights
7.1. In the event that the Task provides for the fulfillment of the Challenge which
results in the creation of an intellectual property item (an intellectual deliverable
and/or a means of individualization), unless otherwise agreed upon by the
parties, the copyright shall remain with the Challenge Participant and the
Challenge Participant shall grant the Company a non-exclusive royalty-free
license to post them on the Platform in the manner prescribed by clause 5 of the
7.2. In other cases, any issues related to the rights to the intellectual deliverables and/
or means of individualization will be governed by the current applicable
8. Liability of the Parties
8.1. The parties shall be liable for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of the
obligations under these Rules in accordance with the current applicable
legislation (applicable law).
9. Amendments to the Rules
9.1. These Rules may be amended by the Company unilaterally.
10. Final Provisions
10.1. To the extent that they govern the relations between the Challenge Organizer and
the Challenge Participant in relation to the fulfillment of the Task, the posting of
the Challenge Video Confirmation and the Remuneration amount, the provisions
posted by the Challenge Organizer shall supplement the provisions of these
Rules and shall be deemed as included in them.
In the event of a discrepancy between the provisions of the Task and of the Rules, the provisions
of the Rules will prevail over the provisions of the Task as between the Challenge Organizer and
the Challenge Participant.
Appendix No. 3 to the User Agreement
Guidelines on Combating Breaches
Anti-violation recommendations can help you successfully deal with conflicts you may face at
Nutson. We hope you will find a suitable solution.
What you can do:
Examine the context. If you see inappropriate Content at Nutson, please determine its context.
Many people use our Platform in a Nutson-specific way. If something goes beyond the context,
this can result in misunderstandings. Please check hashtags related to the Content. Perhaps, the
post is a part of a trend or may relate to something that is not obvious. To understand the
situation, please check all information related to the post or the entire profile of the person who
posted it.
Think before commenting. If you are involved in a dispute in the Comments, please consider
what your next post might result in. While it is always tricky, stalking can make the unwanted
behavior worse and encourage the other person to continue to behave aggressively.
Block! If you receive unwanted Comments from another user, it is recommended that you block
that person. People who insult others often lose interest when they understand that you will not
answer them or that they will no longer be able to communicate with you.
If the dispute or insults continue. The best answer in a dispute is a calm discussion or a refusal
to argue. However, some situations require additional actions. The following tips in this section
are recommendations for getting help.
Contact those you trust. When it comes to negative or harmful interactions, contacting the
loved ones for advice can help. Communicating a trouble to a family member or a close friend
can often help you figure out how to cope with a situation or to express your emotions so you
can move on.
Complain. Be sure to read the Platform Rules. If you have read and believe that some account
violates one or more of the rules, please report the violation to us using the application function
of sending complaints. This is the fastest way to report insulting posts or profiles. Please provide
all necessary information in your complaint—this will help to consider your trouble as soon as
Nutson deletes only those accounts and posts that violate the Agreement and other terms and
conditions or rules posted on the Platform. If we delete something that is contrary to the
Guidelines of the Community, we inform the author of the post, but do not provide information
on the User who complained about the post.
In case of danger. Contact your local law enforcement authorities or legal representation. When
a conflict can become a genuine threat online or in real life, you should contact your local law
enforcement authorities. They can better assess the threat than others and intervene or help you if
required. If we are contacted by law enforcement authorities, we can cooperate with them and
provide the information required to investigate the trouble.
Legal advice. If you believe your online dispute is legal, please consult a lawyer. Nutson may
not provide legal advice or information on other Users, except as required by the current
Appendix No. 4 to the User Agreement
Guidelines of the Community
Please only post the Content you create or the Content that you are
authorized to share. Please remember that only authentic materials may be
posted. Do not post any Content you have copied or found online unless you are
authorized to do so.
Post photos and videos that are suitable for a diverse audience.
We know that sometimes people want to share nude images for creative or artistic reasons, but
there are a number of reasons why such images are prohibited at Nutson. Photos, videos and
some digital materials showing sexual intercourse, genitals and fully naked buttocks close-up are
prohibited. They include photos of female breast nipples as well, but photos with mastectomy
scars and photos of breastfeeding women are allowed. Painting and sculpture nudity is also
People love to post photos and videos of their children. Sometimes, we may delete photos that
show partially or fully nude children for security reasons. Even if these materials are posted with
good intent, one may not foresee a purpose for which other people may use them.
Please interact in a conscious and authentic manner.
Help us combat spam. Please do not use mechanisms for fake Likes, increasing the number of
followers and reposts. Do not post repeating Comments or materials, do not make commercial
proposals several times to people who have not agreed to this. Do not post any Content that
promotes, encourages, or makes it easy to buy or sell fake feedback from people. You are not
required to provide your true name at Nutson, but we do require the Users of this platform to
provide us with accurate and up-to-date information. Do not misrepresent yourself as other
people and do not create accounts to violate our Guidelines or mislead someone.
Obey the law.
At Nutson, it is prohibited to support and to praise terrorist activities, organized crime and haters
groups. At Nutson, it is prohibited to offer sexual services, to buy or sell firearms, alcohol and
tobacco products on an individual basis, or to buy or sell narcotic drugs or prescription drugs
(even if they are permitted in your area). Poaching and selling endangered animals and parts of
their bodies are strictly prohibited.
When offering to buy or sell other goods subject to statutory regulation, always keep in mind
that you must obey the law. Accounts promoting online gambling or online lotteries must obtain
our prior written permission before using our products.
We consider it unacceptable to threaten the publication of intimate photographs of other people,
as well as the publication of sexual material involving minors. The list above is not exhaustive
and you are prohibited from doing anything that violates the law while using Nutson.
Respect other members of the Nutson community.
We strive to build a diverse community with a friendly attitude towards each other. We delete
any materials that contain genuine threats or hostile speech that are intended for humiliating or
insulting certain people, and that contain personal information that is intended for blackmailing
or harassing or repeated unsolicited messages. As a rule, we allow critical discussion of people
who appear in the news or have a large audience of fans because of their profession or
It is inadmissible to call for violence or harassing people based on their race, ethnic or national
origin, sex, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, disease or disability. We may permit the
posting of hostile speech if this is done in order to raise awareness or to combat it. In such cases,
we ask you to clearly express your intentions.
Serious threats to jeopardize public and personal safety are prohibited. This includes, but is not
limited to, specific threats of physical harm, robbery, vandalism or other financial damage. We
consider complaints carefully and weigh many factors to determine whether the threat is
Be friendly in the community and do not propagate self-harm.
Encouraging or calling for self-harm is contrary to our community ideas, so we delete such posts
or accounts if we receive complaints about them.
Be careful when sharing information on important events. We understand
that many people use Nutson to share important and posting-worthy events.
Some of them involve images. Nutson is used by people of different age groups,
so we may delete videos with hard to perceive scenes of violence. Nutson must
remain suitable for everyone. Posting images for sadistic pleasure or to celebrate
violence is prohibited.
Please help us strengthen our community. If you believe that the materials you
have seen violate the Guidelines, please help us by using the special form. Our
team considers all complaints and strives to delete any materials that do not
comply with our Guidelines as soon as possible. Please try to provide as much
information as possible, such as links, usernames and descriptions of the
materials, so that we can find them and consider your complaint as soon as
possible. We may delete entire posts if the images or captions they contain are
contrary to our Guidelines.
You may find materials that you dislike but that do not violate our Guidelines of
the Community. In this case, you can unsubscribe or block the person who
posted them. If you do not like a Comment to one of your posts, you may delete
If someone posted your photo or video without your permission, please file a
copyright infringement complaint. If you believe someone infringes your
trademark rights, please file a respective complaint.
We may contact law enforcement authorities if we believe that there is a risk of
physical harm or a threat to public safety.
Appendix No. 5 to the User Agreement
Procedure on the Determination of the Status of the Winning in the Challenge and the
Handling of Complaints of the Users (hereinafter the “Procedure”)
1. Determining the Status of the Victory in the Challenge.
1.1. The Remuneration Challenge shall be deemed to have been successfully fulfilled when the
Remuneration is transferred from the Challenge Organizer account to the Challenge Winner
account in accordance with the Challenge Rules.
2. Considering Requests and Complaints of the Users.
2.1.Within three (3) days from the date after the expiry of the Challenge Selection term until the
Challenge Winner is determined, the Administration shall have the right to change to the status
of considering Users’ requests (Platform Arbitration) and to take steps to set the Task status. The
status shall be set based on the analysis of Users statements and the evidence presented by them.
When carrying out such analysis, the Administration shall act not as an appraiser or an expert but
solely as an independent party which is authorized on the basis of these Rules to carry out such
analysis being guided by its own independent beliefs and discretion.
The Arbitration may be up to fourteen (14) days.
At that, the Company shall not be a representative of either the Challenge Organizer, or, or the
Challenge Winner, or the User.
2.2. When determining the status of the Challenge Task, the Company shall be guided by the text
of the Challenge Task, including Challenge Duration. In this case, when analyzing the fulfillment
of the Task, the Company may take into account the professional level of the Challenge
Participant based on the integrated ranking of the Involvement Index that is determined by
assessing the proportion of Users’ targeted actions equivalent to the Challenge Participant’s
account. At the same time, we have the right, of our own free will, to decide on blocking (or
suspending) accounts and canceling the winnings in the Challenge of those Users who violated
the rules of the User Agreement in terms of cheating Likes, Voices users and comments. We also
have the right to recalculate the statistical data (i.e. Likes, Voices) of such Users by excluding the
number of "fake" Likes/Voices from the video statistics and, on the basis of "clean" (updated)
statistics, make a decision on the winner of the Challenge.
2.3. The Users agree that in the course of Arbitration, the Company may use audio and/or video
recording of the process of fulfilling the Task made by the Users and shall provide the
Administration with information and materials required to analyze whether the Challenge Video
Confirmation is in line with the Task. The Users shall independently bear all risks of failure to
provide the Company with the materials required for the comprehensive independent analysis.
2.4. By results of considering the request and carrying out the analysis, the Company shall make
one of the following decisions at its own independent discretion and belief:
2.4.1. The services were provided/the work was performed properly and in due time in
accordance with the Challenge Task was fulfilled properly.
2.4.2. Challenge Participants failed to fulfill the Challenge Task properly or the Likes were
gathered in bad faith, in this case the Challenge Participant who gathered the most Likes, Voices
as compared to the disqualified Challenge Participant may be recognized as the Challenge
The making of one of the decisions specified in clause 2.4 of this Procedure shall be the
obligation of the Company in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Procedure. The
making of one of those decisions by the Company shall be final for the purposes of this
Procedure, the decision may not be revised. By using the Platform on the basis of the Agreement,
the Customer and the Contractor, the Challenge Organizer and the Challenge Participant express
their consent to any of the Company’s decisions provided for by clause 2.4 of the Procedure.
Having made one of the decisions specified in clause 2.4 of this Procedure, the Company shall
send a notice of the Arbitration award to all parties concerned.
Appendix No. 6 to the User Agreement
Procedure for the Handling of Complaints Related to Users Posting Content at Nutson
Nutson is taking action to curb relevant infringements as claimed by copyright holders.
If you find Content on the Platform that you believe is illegal, please review this document. We
ask you to understand that in the absence of the necessary amount of information about the
alleged violation and ownership of rights, we cannot properly respond to your application.
1. General
The Platform has been created so that people can keep in touch with their acquaintances, find
new friends and communicate.
This Procedure for the Handling of Complaints Related to Users Posting Content on the Platform
(hereinafter the “Procedure”) is an official document of Nutson and defines the Nutson policy of
settling conflicts arising in connection with the Content posted by the Users on the Platform as
well as the rights and obligations of Nutson, the Users and third parties in the process of settling
such conflicts.
When reviewing complaints under this Procedure, Nutson will be guided by the following
Nutson complies with the applicable legislation and does not exercise control and censorship of
relations pertaining to the use of the technical capabilities of the Platform by the Users. The
Users shall have the right to freely use the capabilities of the Platform in accordance with the law
to exchange information, including in the course of discussion of creative work of their favorite
authors and performers, the quality and the use of goods and services of any third parties.
Support for Combating Unlawful Content
Unfortunately, some Users can use the Platform to unlawfully store, transfer, disseminate
information and intellectual property items and provide access thereto; this cannot be avoided.
Nutson may not assume the functions of law enforcement or judicial authorities and is not able
to assess in an unbiased manner whether any Content posted on the Platform is lawful. In the
event of a disputable situation, the applicant should contact law enforcement authorities and
Presumption of Users Good Faith
Nutson respects its Users and assumes that the Users comply with the requirements of applicable
law and the Agreement and use the capabilities and resources of the Platform in good faith.
Nutson recommends that persons who believe that the Content posted on the Platform violates
their rights and lawful interests should first of all contact the Users who posted the relevant
Content. Experience shows that in most cases the conflict may be directly resolved without
delay. If the desired result is not achieved, the person concerned should contact Nutson in
accordance with this Procedure.
Transparency of and Ease of Access to the Procedure
Filing of complaints in accordance with this Procedure does not require any special technical or
legal knowledge and skills. Complaints shall be considered free of charge under the procedure
that is uniform for all applicants.
Nutson is committed to ensure that the technical aids used to file and to process complaints are
reliable and that all communications with the applicants are without delay.
Good Faith Applicants
Nutson shall not consider anonymous complaints or complaints filed to the benefit of any third
parties, unless the law allows such representation.
The procedure for considering complaints provided for by this Procedure should not be used by
any person solely for the purpose of creating obstacles to the lawful distribution of the Content.
The applicant shall confirm that he/she has evidence that the Content in respect of which the
complaint is filed was posted by the User on the Platform unlawfully.
2. Complaint regarding Unlawful Posting of Content
2.1. In case any Content is identified on the Platform that is posted by the Users
without his/her permission or any other legal grounds, any right holder of
copyright or related rights items (hereinafter the “Applicant”) shall have the
right to file to Nutson a complaint of violation of its copyright and/or related
rights to the Content.
2.2. To contact Nutson using the technical aids of the Platform, the Applicant must
use his/her own signed up account on the Platform. This way is the fastest for
the parties to interact.
2.3. When filing his/her complaint to Nutson, the person must reasonably state a
violation of his/her rights and lawful interests. The complaint must contain the
following reliable information:
2.3.1. Information on the Applicant that enables to identify and to promptly contact
him/her if required, including by e-mail:
For an individual, surname, first name, patronymic, passport data (series and
number, issued by, issued on), contact details (phone and/or fax number, e-mail
For a legal entity, name, location and address, contact details (telephone and/or
fax number, e-mail address).
2.3.2. Information on the specific Content (hereinafter the “Content in Question”)
posted on the Platform without the permission of the right holder or other legal
2.3.3. URL of the Platform page with the Content in Question and URL of the Users
account and the Content in Question in order to identify the Content in Question
and its original and copies on the Platform).
2.3.4. Indication that the right holder has rights to the Content in Question posted on
the Platform without his/her permission or other legal grounds.
2.3.5. Indication that there is no permission of the right holder to post the Content in
Question on the Platform.
2.3.6. Consent of the Applicant to the processing of his/her personal data (for the
Applicant being an individual).
2.4. The Applicant shall attach copies of documents confirming the Applicant’s rights
to the Content in Question. In addition to the above documents, the Applicant
shall have the right to provide any other information, including links to official
resources, proving that the Applicant has the rights to the Content in Question.
The complaint may be accompanied by documents containing other additional
information on the complaint. If the complaint is filed by an authorized person, a
copy of the document confirming his/her authority shall be attached to the
2.5. Due to hardware restrictions of the Platform, the Applicant shall make sure that
the limit of characters is not exceeded. Nutson shall not be liable for failure to
take steps in relation to any Content in Question at URLs outside the specified
limit in the event of a malfunction in the transfer of the relevant information to
2.6. Regardless of the format for providing the URLs (directly in the web form or in
an attached document), the relevant hyperlinks must be active, i.e. one shall be
able to automatically navigate to the Content in Question without manually
typing the URL.
2.7. The size of each electronic file attached to the complaint shall not be more than
two hundred (200) megabytes. By filing his/her complaint in the manner
prescribed by this Procedure, the Applicant agrees that the information on him/
her and/or the persons authorized by him/her (including personal data) and his/
her application will be used by Nutson for further communications regarding the
complaint and may be sent by Nutson to the User who files his/her objections.
2.8. In case it is identified that the complaint contains insufficient information,
inaccuracies or errors, Nutson shall have the right to send the Applicant a notice
of clarification of the information provided.
2.9. The Applicant shall take steps aimed at providing the missing information,
eliminating inaccuracies and errors, and send Nutson the updated information
within 24 hours from the receipt of the notice specified in clause 2.8 of this
3. Considering the Complaint regarding Unlawful Posting of Content and
Response Measures
3.1. If the received complaint fully complies with the requirements of clauses 2.2 to
2.7 of this Procedure and there are no signs of abuse of right described in clause
5 of the Procedure, Nutson shall take steps required to stop the violation of the
Applicant’s intellectual rights, as described in clause 3.2 below. The date of
complaint receipt shall be deemed the date of successful sending by the
Applicant of the filled in form through the Platform interface, that is displayed,
in particular, in the relevant section of the Applicant’s page on the Platform, or
the date of sending the complaint at [email protected].
3.2. Nutson shall delete the Content in Question within the period established by law
from the date the complaint or the information clarified by the Applicant is
received (if the notice specified in clause 2.8 of this Procedure is sent to the
3.3. If Nutson has evidence confirming that the posting of the Content in Question on
the Platform is legally valid, Nutson shall have the right not to take the steps
provided for by clause 3.2 of this Procedure. In any case, a dispute between right
holders may be referred to a competent court.
3.4. In case there are any questions or reasonable objections to the deletion of the
Content in Question, the User may contact the Technical Help Center of the
Platform (when filing his/her objections, the User shall provide reliable
information on the rights to the Content in Question, the grounds for having
such rights and duly certified copies of documents confirming the Users rights
to the Content in Question).
4. Abuse of the Procedure for Considering Complaints
Abuse of the opportunities of the procedure established by this Procedure is not allowed.
The following acts shall be recognized by Nutson as the abuse by Applicants:
Repeated complaints that formally meet the requirements of this Procedure but
contain knowingly false information that is proved by check results;
Falsification of documents (including electronic ones) and information;
Filing a complaint in violation of clause 2.2 of the Procedure or using an account
containing unreliable information;
Using automated mail-outs and/or bots to contact and/or to communicate with
Having filed to Nutson an electronic complaint under this Procedure, the
Applicant files in any other way a complaint that is the same on its merits and
relates to the same Content in Question, unless there is a reference to the number
of the electronic complaint filed originally, and vice versa;
Filing an electronic complaint in accordance with the Procedure after the
complaint that is the same on its merits and relates to the same Content in
Question has been sent to Nutson in any other way.
5. Information Storage and Confidentiality
Nutson shall have the right to store all data, documents and e-mails related to the consideration
of the complaint for three (3) years from the date the complaint consideration procedure is
completed, unless longer storage and use of the relevant information is required for the purposes
of protecting the Nutson rights. This provision of the Procedure shall not affect the time of
information storage on the personal page of the Platform used by the Applicant to file his/her
complaint that shall be determined by the Applicant.
Nutson shall not disclose the information on the progress of considering the complaint, the
content of the deleted Content in Question and complaints, except as established by the current
legislation and this Procedure